Kasey Devine Of Procare HR On Mastering the Art of Remote Selling in a Post-Pandemic World

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Leverage Technology for Enhanced Customer Interaction:

Utilize CRM platforms to maintain detailed records of customer interactions, preferences, and feedback. This enables personalized follow-ups and tailored presentations. For instance, by integrating real-time analytics into our CRM, we could predict customer needs and address them proactively, significantly improving conversion rates.

The global pandemic has forever altered the landscape of sales, propelling us into the era of remote selling. Today, businesses and sales professionals face the challenge of connecting with clients and closing deals without the traditional in-person interactions. Mastering the art of remote selling has become not just an advantage but a necessity. From leveraging technology and digital tools to building trust and rapport over virtual platforms, the skills required for effective remote selling are evolving. I had the pleasure of interviewing Kasey Devine.

Kasey Devine is the Vice President of Strategic Growth at Procare HR, where he leverages over a decade of experience in sales leadership and strategic planning across multiple industries. His expertise in remote sales strategies and digital transformation has helped numerous organizations thrive in the post-pandemic business landscape. Kasey is an esteemed thought leader in sales methodologies and business development, continuously pushing the envelope on integrating technology and human-centric approaches in sales.

Thank you for joining us. To start, could you share your “origin story” with our readers? How did you begin your career? What challenges did you face in the early days? How did you overcome them?

I started my career in sales right out of college, diving headfirst into the demanding world of HR technology sales. The early days were a trial by fire — navigating complex sales cycles, understanding nuanced client needs, and mastering the art of negotiation. I faced challenges ranging from building credibility without extensive experience to handling rejections that are all too common in sales roles. Overcoming these hurdles required persistence, continuous learning, and adapting to feedback. My approach was to truly listen to clients and mentors, which transformed initial challenges into valuable learning experiences.

Is there a particular book that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

One book that profoundly shaped my professional philosophy is “Radical Candor” by Kim Scott. This book taught me the importance of caring personally while challenging directly — especially vital in sales, where clear, honest communication can make or break deals. Implementing its principles helped me build stronger relationships with my teams and clients, fostering a culture of open feedback and mutual respect.

Do you have a favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life or your work?

A quote that resonates deeply with me is, “Do not sacrifice what you want now for what you want most.” This maxim has guided me through many challenging decisions, especially during the transition to remote selling in the post-pandemic era. For instance, the immediate comfort of familiar, traditional sales techniques was tempting, but I focused on the long-term benefit of mastering new digital tools and strategies. This approach not only helped maintain client relationships but also expanded our reach and efficiency, proving that prioritizing long-term goals over short-term ease can lead to substantial success.

How have you used your success to make the world a better place?

Success in sales has not only been about personal achievements but also about how I can impact others. I’ve used my expertise to mentor young sales professionals, particularly in navigating the nuances of remote selling. By sharing knowledge and encouraging sustainable sales practices, I strive to influence the industry to prioritize ethical sales strategies that benefit both businesses and their clients.

In your experience, how has the transition to remote selling altered the traditional sales cycle, and what strategies have proven most effective in closing deals virtually?

The transition to remote selling has fundamentally changed the sales cycle by emphasizing the importance of digital fluency and effective communication. Traditional face-to-face cues have been replaced by virtual signals, requiring a different level of engagement and attentiveness. Key strategies that have proven effective include the use of advanced CRM tools to track client interactions, virtual presentations that are more dynamic and interactive, and regular follow-ups through various digital channels which help maintain momentum throughout the sales process.

In what ways do you believe technology will continue to shape the future of remote selling, and what tools should sales professionals be focusing on?

Technology will continue to be a driving force in the evolution of remote selling. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will increasingly automate routine tasks, allowing sales professionals to focus on strategy and relationship building. Tools such as virtual reality could transform presentations, making them more immersive. Sales professionals should focus on mastering platforms that enhance customer interaction and personalization, such as advanced CRM systems, AI-driven analytics for better lead qualification, and communication tools that offer seamless integration with multiple channels.

How can sales teams maintain and build rapport with clients in a fully remote environment, especially when face-to-face interactions are limited?

Building rapport in a remote environment requires intentional effort to establish and maintain trust. Video calls should be the norm, as they help in mimicking face-to-face interactions. Personalization is key; understanding and referencing a client’s previous concerns and discussions in follow-ups can make a significant difference. Additionally, regular, scheduled check-ins and providing clients with value-added content, like market insights or relevant articles, can help maintain a connection beyond just transactional interactions.

Can you share a story of a challenge you faced in adapting to remote selling, and how you overcame it?

One significant challenge was the initial lack of engagement during virtual meetings. It felt as if our pitches were less compelling without the physical presence. To overcome this, we revamped our approach to presentations, incorporating interactive elements such as polls and Q&A sessions to foster interaction. We also invested in training our team to deliver more engaging and dynamic content online. This shift not only improved client engagement but also increased the overall effectiveness of our virtual meetings.

Can you share a success story of a remote sale that exemplified innovative tactics or approaches in the post-pandemic world?

A memorable success was closing a major deal with a prospect who was initially skeptical about the efficacy of remote interactions (which still happens in some corners of the SMB world). We used a combination of personalized video messages, tailored demos, and virtual workshops to demonstrate our commitment and the value of our offerings. The key tactic was the integration of real-time data analytics into our presentations, which allowed the client to see the potential impact of our services on their business dynamically. This approach not only sealed the deal but also set a new standard for how we handle large accounts remotely.

Here is our main question. Could you list and briefly explain “5 Key Strategies for Mastering the Art of Remote Selling” based on your experiences and insights? If you can, please share a story or example for each.

Leverage Technology for Enhanced Customer Interaction:

Utilize CRM platforms to maintain detailed records of customer interactions, preferences, and feedback. This enables personalized follow-ups and tailored presentations. For instance, by integrating real-time analytics into our CRM, we could predict customer needs and address them proactively, significantly improving conversion rates.

Invest in Quality Virtual Communication Tools:

High-quality video conferencing tools are essential for effective remote communication. They should provide clear audio and video, as well as allow for screen sharing and other interactive features. In one scenario, upgrading to a superior video platform enabled our team to conduct smoother and more engaging product demos, leading directly to a 20% increase in client engagement metrics.

Develop a Structured Digital Sales Process:

Structure your sales process to include regular digital touchpoints, clear follow-up schedules, and standardized presentation templates. This ensures consistency and professionalism. For example, by creating a standardized virtual sales playbook, our team was able to reduce the training time for new hires and increase our sales cycle efficiency by 15%.

Enhance Digital Literacy and Sales Training:

Continuous training programs on the latest digital tools and sales techniques are crucial. This ensures that your team is always at the forefront of remote selling capabilities. A story that stands out is when we initiated monthly digital tool workshops; our team’s productivity improved as they learned to automate routine tasks, allowing more time for client interaction.

Prioritize Relationship Building Over Technology:

While technology is vital, it’s important to prioritize human connection. Building rapport and trust through consistent and personalized communication is key. One successful approach was implementing “virtual coffee breaks” with potential clients, which were informal and relaxed chats that helped build stronger relationships and led to a 30% increase in customer retention rates.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good for the greatest number of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

If I could inspire a movement, it would be “Education for Empowerment.” This movement would aim to make high-quality education accessible to everyone, regardless of their socio-economic background. Education is the cornerstone of personal and societal growth and equipping people with knowledge and skills leads to empowered individuals who can create positive change in the world.

As we wrap up, how can our readers follow your work?

Readers can follow my work and insights on professional growth and remote selling strategies through my LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaseydevine. I regularly post articles, case studies, and updates on the latest trends in sales and marketing.

Thank you for offering such valuable insights into the art of remote selling. We wish you continued success.

About the interviewer: Chad Silverstein is a seasoned entrepreneur and thought-leader. With over 25 years of business experience, Chad’s entire career has been dedicated to creating a positive social impact in all of his enterprises. His entrepreneurial journey began while in college at The Ohio State University, where he founded Choice Recovery, Inc., which earned national recognition and was twice ranked as the #1 company to work for in Central Ohio. Chad is now a strategic advisor for Authority Magazine’s thought-leader incubator and an Executive Leadership Coach with Built to Lead, where he recently launched an online community for leadership development.

To learn more and connect with Chad, visit www.chadsilverstein.io

Kasey Devine Of Procare HR On Mastering the Art of Remote Selling in a Post-Pandemic World was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.