Successful Rule Breakers: Ana Juneja I Ana Law On How To Succeed By Doing Things Differently

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Social Media Education Blitz: Instead of sticking to traditional marketing, I dove headfirst into social media. I started making bite-sized videos on TikTok and YouTube, breaking down complex legal issues into easy-to-understand nuggets. It really caught on and helped establish me as a go-to source for legal advice online.

In the world of business and within every industry, there are forward-thinking leaders who go against the status quo and find success. Their courage to take risks, embrace innovation, and inspire collaboration separates them from the competition. Until 2002, Apple’s famous slogan was “Think Different”. This attitude likely helped them become one of the most successful organizations in history. This interview series aims to showcase visionary leaders and their “status quo-breaking” approach to doing business. As part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Ana Juneja.

As an award-winning intellectual property attorney and the founder of Ana Law®, Ana Juneja helps celebrities, athletes, influencers, start-ups, entrepreneurs, and corporations secure + monetize their brands and ideas in the US and abroad.

Ana Law® is the first and only law firm that offers flat-fee, 100% guaranteed patent, trademark, and copyright services. Ana has a 100% success rate and often speaks on important topics such as emerging legal issues surrounding security, AI, and social media.

Additionally, Ana has extensive experience with social media intellectual property infringement issues. Ana’s insider connections with premier media agencies allow her to have direct access to key social media platforms, such as Meta (Facebook/Instagram), TikTok, and Twitter. These essential services are an important component of brand protection strategy for Ana’s celebrity, athlete, & influencer clients.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you tell us your “Origin Story”? Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

I’m an intellectual property attorney, and my journey began in childhood in an immigrant family with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. When my father’s intended medical office closed, he quickly started his own practice, sparking my early exposure to entrepreneurship. I was always finding ways to earn money, like trading toys, selling Sailor Moon pictures, and running a lemonade stand.

My fascination with intellectual property began early, particularly with the copyright symbol at age five. I pursued this passion through law school, where I even worked at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Despite personal upheavals in my twenties, including moving states and adjusting career plans, I persisted and landed at a startup law firm. There, I faced an intense workload that accelerated my learning exponentially.

Driven by a passion for entrepreneurship and helping individuals profit from their ideas, I now run my own practice. I work with diverse clients, including celebrities, influencers, small businesses, corporations, and creators. Additionally, I’m committed to empowering Gen-Z through educational content on social media about intellectual property and business.

Can you give us a glimpse into your journey into this industry and share a story about one of the most significant challenges you faced when you first started out? How did you end up resolving that challenge?

When I started out, one of my biggest challenges was proving myself as a lawyer who understood both traditional law and the complexities of social media, YouTube, and digital platforms. Many clients were unsure if I could handle their modern business needs.

To overcome this, I immersed myself in learning about social media monetization and digital content creation. I used my personal brand on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube to showcase my expertise and connect with clients who valued my approach.

By demonstrating my understanding and dedication through education and engagement, I turned skepticism into trust. Today, I continue to innovate in intellectual property law, advocating for accessibility and empowering businesses to thrive in the digital era.

Who has been the most significant influence in your business journey, and what is the most significant lesson or insight you have learned from them?

The biggest influence in my business journey has been my own experience as someone who didn’t fit the traditional mold of a lawyer. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that being authentic and passionate is key to building trust with clients.

Staying true to my mission of making legal services accessible in the digital age has taught me that really understanding and connecting with my clients’ challenges is what matters most. This approach has helped me stay flexible, keep learning, and always put my clients first.

In short, being genuine, innovative, and client-focused has been crucial to my success and making a real impact in the legal world.

Can you share a story about something specific that happened early on that you would consider a failure but ended up being a blessing in disguise or ended up being one of the most valuable lessons you had to learn on your own?

Early on, I took on a client with a tricky social media rights issue. I jumped in enthusiastically but without fully grasping all the complexities. As a result, I made some crucial mistakes, and the outcome wasn’t what we hoped for. It felt like a big setback at the time.

Looking back though, that experience was a blessing in disguise. It taught me the importance of thorough preparation, understanding my client’s industry inside out (especially social media), and seeking advice when tackling new legal terrain.

It was a lesson in humility and learning from mistakes. It pushed me to refine my approach, deepen my expertise, and become more conscientious in my practice. Ultimately, that early stumble helped me grow into a more capable and knowledgeable lawyer.

Leading anything is hard, especially when grappling with a difficult situation where it seems that no matter what you decide, it will have a negative impact on those around you. Can you share a story about a situation you faced that required making a “hard call” or a tough decision between two paths?

Absolutely. One challenging situation I faced was when I had to decide whether to take on a high-profile client whose values and practices conflicted with my firm’s mission and ethical standards.

On one hand, working with this client would have brought significant financial gain and exposure, potentially boosting our reputation in certain circles. On the other hand, their practices didn’t align with our commitment to ethical business practices and supporting creators and innovators who contribute positively to society.

It was a tough call because turning down the client meant potentially losing out on substantial revenue and opportunities for growth. However, after careful consideration and consulting with my team, I made the decision to decline the representation.

While it was a difficult choice at the time, it reinforced our firm’s integrity and commitment to our values. It also reaffirmed that prioritizing ethical standards and staying true to our mission is paramount, even when faced with tempting opportunities.

Ultimately, this experience taught me the importance of aligning business decisions with core values and maintaining integrity, even in challenging circumstances where the outcome may not be immediately advantageous.

Let’s shift our focus to the core of this interview about ‘Successful Rule Breakers’. Why did you decide to “break the rules”? Early on, did you identify a particular problem or issue in how businesses in your industry generally operated? What specifically compelled you to address this and want to do things differently? Please share how you went about implementing those changes and the impact they had.

I decided to break the rules early on in my career because I saw a fundamental problem in how traditional law firms operated, especially in the realm of intellectual property and business law.

The issue I identified was accessibility and relevance. Many law firms operated in a way that felt detached from the realities of modern businesses, particularly those leveraging social media and new technologies. Clients often felt misunderstood or overwhelmed by legal jargon and practices that didn’t align with their fast-paced, innovative environments.

What compelled me to address this was my own background as an outsider in the legal profession and my passion for entrepreneurship. I wanted to bridge the gap between legal expertise and practical business needs, making legal services more accessible, understandable, and aligned with the realities of digital and social media-driven businesses.

To implement these changes, I took a proactive approach. I started by building a personal brand and establishing a strong presence on social media, which allowed me to connect directly with my target audience — entrepreneurs, creators, and innovators. Through educational content and transparent communication, I demystified legal concepts and processes, making them relevant and accessible.

Additionally, I reshaped my firm’s approach to client service, focusing on empathy, collaboration, and strategic solutions tailored to each client’s unique goals and challenges. This involved creating transparent fee structures, embracing technology for efficiency and accessibility, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation within my team.

The impact of these changes has been profound. I’ve been able to attract a diverse range of clients who appreciate our modern approach and feel empowered by our collaborative and transparent style. We’ve seen increased client satisfaction, higher engagement on social media, and a growing reputation for innovation and client-centered legal services.

Breaking the rules in my industry wasn’t about disregarding standards, but about redefining them to better serve the needs of today’s businesses and entrepreneurs. It’s been a journey of growth, learning from challenges, and ultimately, making a meaningful impact in the legal profession.

In the ever-changing business landscape, how exactly do you decide when to adhere to industry norms versus “breaking the rules” and forging your own way? Can you share an example?

Deciding when to stick to industry norms or break the rules is all about what best serves our clients and our values. Take billing, for example. Most law firms bill by the hour, but I found clients were stressed by unpredictable costs. So, I broke the norm and switched to flat fees for certain services. It was a move to give clients clarity and trust, and it paid off. Clients loved knowing upfront what they’d pay, and it set us apart in a positive way. It’s about balancing tradition with what really works for our clients and our mission.

What guidance or insight can you offer to new entrepreneurs trying to follow existing and accepted industry norms while at the same time trying to differentiate themselves in the marketplace?

Navigating industry norms as a new entrepreneur while standing out can be tricky. Here’s some straightforward advice:

First, understand why industry norms exist and how they affect your customers. This helps you see where you can innovate.

Define what makes your business unique — your special strengths, like great service or a new way to price. Listen closely to what customers say. Use their feedback to make your offerings better than the usual options.

Pick areas where you can be different. Maybe it’s personalized service or clear pricing. Tell people why you’re different. Use your marketing to show how you solve problems better than others.

Stay flexible and ready to change. Markets and customers shift, so be ready to adjust. By understanding the rules and finding smart ways to stand out, you can build a business that shines in your industry.

Here is the main question of our interview. To make an impact, you have to champion change, get creative, and take risks. Please think back about the decisions you’ve made that have helped your business get to where it is today, and share your top 5 strategies or decisions that helped you succeed by doing things differently. If you can, please share a story or example for each.

1 . Social Media Education Blitz: Instead of sticking to traditional marketing, I dove headfirst into social media. I started making bite-sized videos on TikTok and YouTube, breaking down complex legal issues into easy-to-understand nuggets. It really caught on and helped establish me as a go-to source for legal advice online.

2 . Transparent Billing and Collaboration: I scrapped the old-school billing secrecy. Instead, I introduced flat fees and kept my clients in the loop at every step. It built trust fast. For instance, I started offering free webinars on legal basics for startups, and it not only educated people but brought in new clients too.

3 . Democratizing Legal Knowledge: I wanted legal help to be less intimidating. So, I started posting free legal tips on social media and hosting Q&A sessions. It made law less scary and more accessible for everyone, not just big companies.

4 . Remote Team, Big Results: Early on, I went remote with my team. It meant we could hire the best talent regardless of location and kept overheads low. Virtual meetings became our norm, and it worked like a charm.

5 . Diversity Drives Innovation: I’m big on diversity. By actively supporting minority law students and promoting diversity in hiring, we’ve not only enriched our team but also brought fresh perspectives to our legal strategies. Plus, it’s just the right thing to do.

As a leader, how do you rally others to align with your vision? Also, how do you identify those who may not be fully committed or even silently sabotaging or undermining your efforts? What steps do you take to address these situations?

As a leader, rallying others around my vision begins with clear communication and leading by example. I ensure everyone understands why our mission matters and how each person contributes to our goals. By articulating our vision in simple terms and demonstrating the values we uphold, I set a tone that encourages alignment and commitment.

Identifying individuals who may not fully support or who could potentially undermine our efforts requires careful observation and open communication. I keep a close watch on team dynamics and performance indicators, addressing any signs of disengagement or discord promptly and directly. By fostering an environment where honest feedback is encouraged and where everyone feels valued and heard, I strive to maintain unity and focus on achieving our shared objectives.

Imagine we’re sitting down together two years from now, looking back at your company’s last 24 months. What specific accomplishments would have to happen for you to be happy with your progress?

Two years from now, when reflecting on my company’s journey, I envision significant achievements that would make me proud of our progress. We would have expanded our service offerings to better meet the evolving needs of our clients, particularly in emerging fields like AI and social media law. Our success stories would include impactful client outcomes, such as securing settlements that safeguarded businesses and supported their employees’ livelihoods.

Our commitment to educating and empowering entrepreneurs through social media would have reached a wider audience, fostering greater awareness and understanding of intellectual property and business law. Our team would have grown strategically, with a focus on retaining talented individuals who share our mission and values. We would have implemented innovative solutions and technologies to improve efficiency and client satisfaction, such as automation and enhanced communication tools.

Moreover, our influence in the industry would have grown, positioning us as thought leaders with opportunities to speak at industry events and contribute to media discussions. Looking back on these accomplishments, it would not only signify growth for the firm but also reinforce our dedication to making a significant impact in the legal landscape and supporting our clients’ success.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

If I could catalyze a movement, it would center around legal empowerment. I believe in making the legal system accessible to all.

There are a lot of initiatives for this in fields like criminal law. But in less “emergency” fields, there is not. This also means something different in the intellectual property world. There are many business owners who make money and deserve to have adequate legal representation, but there are not enough lawyers who understand their business model or revenue source because they’re making money on social media.

For many business fields, the only option can seem like a traditional lawyer. So the movement I’d cultivate is to make sure everyone knows that there is a lawyer out there for them who is going to understand their business and care deeply about it.

This movement would harness technology, community engagement, and education to bridge the gap between the legal system and the average person. It would empower individuals to navigate contracts, understand their rights, and advocate for themselves effectively.

The ripple effect of legal empowerment would be huge. There may be so many future businesses and inventions out there that will push humanity forward.

It’s kind of like thinking about what would have happened if Pablo Picasso had never been given a canvas or paintbrush. What would happen if Mozart never had access to a piano? What would happen if Michael Phelps was never taken to a swimming pool? What would happen if Steve Jobs never learned about design and technology? What if he just became a nutritionist or accountant? When you think about people who have done great things, it’s because, at some point in their life, they were given an opportunity to explore that talent.

How can our readers continue to follow you or your company online?

You can follow me on socials at @anajuneja

Law Firm Website:

Personal Social Media:





Law Firm Social Media:




Thank you so much for sharing all of these insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience as the Founder and CEO of multiple companies. He launched Choice Recovery, Inc., a healthcare collection agency, while going to The Ohio State University, His team earned national recognition, twice being ranked as the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. In 2018, Chad launched [re]start, a career development platform connecting thousands of individuals in collections with meaningful employment opportunities, He sold Choice Recovery on his 25th anniversary and in 2023, sold the majority interest in [re]start so he can focus his transition to Built to Lead as an Executive Leadership Coach. Learn more at

Successful Rule Breakers: Ana Juneja I Ana Law On How To Succeed By Doing Things Differently was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.