Mahesh Shahdapuri Of TASC Outsourcing: Lessons I Learned from Last Year to Take Our Organization to…

Mahesh Shahdapuri Of TASC Outsourcing: Lessons I Learned from Last Year to Take Our Organization to the Next Level in 2024

An Interview with Chad Silverstein

Inspiring Through Action: Leading by example proved essential for inspiring others. During a tough period, I joined our community service efforts alongside my team. This direct involvement helped rally the team, resulting in increased volunteer participation and enthusiasm.

This series aims to discuss the experiences and lessons learned by top executives over the past year, and how these insights are shaping the landscape for change and innovation in 2024. The past year has been a time of unprecedented challenges and opportunities, requiring adaptive leadership and innovative strategies. We believe that sharing these experiences can inspire and guide others in their endeavors to drive positive change in their organizations and industries. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mahesh Shahdadpuri, Founder and CEO of TASC Outsourcing

Mahesh Shahdadpuri, Founder and CEO of TASC Outsourcing, is a committed entrepreneur, thought leader, and mentor dedicated to shaping a better future for individuals, companies, and communities. With a business degree from Harvard Business School and an MBA in Marketing and Entrepreneurship from Boston University, USA, Mahesh’s academic background complements his extensive entrepreneurial journey.

Mahesh’s passion for innovation and entrepreneurship led to the inception of TASC Outsourcing in 2007. Through the dedication and hard work of his team, TASC has emerged as a leader in staffing and recruitment services in the GCC region, exceeding industry standards with its customer-centric approach and operational excellence.

Expanding his entrepreneurial endeavors, Mahesh and his team launched AIQU, the Middle East’s premier technology recruitment and staffing agency, and Future Milez, a last-mile delivery solution. Additionally, TASC Corporate Business Services provides business setup expertise and professional services across the GCC.

Recognized as a ‘Game Changer’ by Bloomberg and listed among the Top 100 Indian businessmen in the Middle East by Forbes, Mahesh’s achievements have earned him widespread acclaim. He is a sought-after keynote speaker on topics such as creativity, innovation, and inspiration, with numerous features and appearances in local television and press media.

Outside of work, Mahesh finds relaxation in yoga, meditation, and outdoor activities like walking, trekking, and racing. He cherishes quality time with his family and enjoys cooking as a means of relaxation, despite ongoing debates about his culinary skills among loved ones.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you share a little about your background and what pivotal moments led you to your current position as an executive?

Thank you for having me! My journey started with a background in electronics engineering, but I quickly realized that engineering wasn’t my true calling. I loved interacting with people, which led me to pursue a master’s in business from Boston University. However, finding my first job was a real struggle. I spent over a year sending out resumes and doing interviews, all while living out of a suitcase in Boston, determined not to take money from my dad.

Eventually, I landed a job with Intel, after going through twelve grueling interviews. That experience was a crash course in the fast-paced American work culture. But my parents were in Dubai, and being close to them was important to me, so when they called me, I packed up everything and moved back. My father encouraged me to start something new, which led to my first venture — a technology services business. Unfortunately, it didn’t pan out the way we expected it to.

That failure was a huge learning moment. I didn’t know how to read a balance sheet or an income statement, and I realized hard work alone wasn’t enough. After shutting down the business, I worked with my dad’s company for a while, but the entrepreneurial itch never left. In 2008, feeling more prepared and determined, I started my business in the HR and recruitment space which is what you see here today.

I founded TASC Outsourcing (Talent Asset Software & Consulting). I drew on my diverse experiences — from Intel to running a subway franchise — to build a company with a strong foundation and a focus on high quality.

The company grew rapidly, and today, I’m proud of what we’ve achieved. The journey was full of ups and downs, but each challenge taught me something valuable.

What were the early challenges you faced in your career, and how did they shape your approach to leadership?

As I mentioned earlier, I have encountered several challenges throughout my journey while job-seeking as a fresh graduate and setting up my very first business as an entrepreneur. The hurdles I came across have truly shaped my approach to leadership. Growing up in a family where my parents modelled integrity taught me the importance of staying true to my values, especially when things get tough. This foundation became essential as I made my way through the corporate world, where I learned valuable lessons about humility and resilience.

One of the biggest realizations for me was understanding just how important the right people, processes, and technology are. I figured out early on that no matter how great an idea might be, it’s the execution that makes all the difference. That’s when I decided to focus on building a team that truly embodies the core values of TASC: quality, reliability, agility, innovation, and respect.

Alongside our company values, my personal guiding principles — Leadership, Integrity, Family; Purpose, Autonomy, Commitment, and Growth (which I like to think of as my “life pack”) — keep me on track. They remind me to be a purposeful leader, empower my team with autonomy, stay committed to our goals, and continuously seek personal and professional growth.

Facing challenges early in my career helped me appreciate the journey and the people who share it. They’ve transformed me into a leader who values integrity, nurtures a supportive environment, and always strives for innovation and excellence.

We often learn the most from our mistakes. Can you share one that you made that turned out to be one of the most valuable lessons you’ve learned?

Making mistakes is all part of the learning process. If you’re not stumbling every now and then, you’re probably not pushing yourself hard enough, and you’re missing out on crucial lessons. I’m no stranger to this; I make mistakes every day and each one teaches me something new.

One lesson that really stands out for me happened early in my entrepreneurial journey. I took on a project that was way beyond what our team could handle at the time. I was so caught up in the potential growth that I didn’t pay enough attention to our actual limits. This led to a project that didn’t turn out as well as it should have, which hurt our client relationships and dampened team morale.

But here’s the silver lining: this experience taught me about knowing and respecting our boundaries. I learned that it’s crucial to understand our limits and manage resources realistically. This learning led us to improve our processes significantly. It reminded me that even small errors are part of the journey and can pave the way to greater success if we approach them with the right mindset. This has become a guiding principle for us, helping us take calculated risks and grow sustainably.

As an executive, how do you define success, both personally and for your organization?

I see success as a mix of personal, professional, and community achievements. To me, a truly fulfilling life means hitting the mark in all three areas.

On a personal level, success is about peace of mind. Can you sleep well at night? Do you have any regrets? It’s about feeling content and knowing you’ve lived a life true to yourself and your values.

When it comes to professional success, it’s all about the value we bring to our clients. Are we meeting their needs and going beyond their expectations? Building strong, trust-based relationships and delivering great results is what counts.

For community success, the focus on making a positive impact on those around us. Are we helping our community grow and thrive? This could mean creating job opportunities, supporting charitable causes, or fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment.

In the end, success is defined by making a difference in all areas of life. It’s a balanced approach that helps us achieve our personal and professional goals while giving back to the community that supports us. This holistic view drives our mission and values at TASC, pushing us to excel in every aspect of our lives.

Reflecting on 2023, what was the most unexpected challenge you faced, and how did you navigate it?

Last year threw us for a loop as we adjusted to life after an amazing 2022. While the financials from 2022 were impressive, transitioning to 2023 brought its own set of challenges. It wasn’t so much about finances; it was more about managing changing expectations and keeping team morale up during a period of stabilization.

To tackle this, we focused on our core values — integrity, respect, and agility. We made sure to communicate openly with our team, acknowledging the tough times and reinforcing our commitment to their growth and well-being. We also took a fresh look at our processes to make sure they aligned with our long-term goals.

Looking ahead to 2024, the changes we’ve made are starting to show positive results. We’ve taken a more holistic approach to leadership and operations, which is setting us up for a strong year. The challenges of 2023 have made us more resilient and adaptable, and we’re ready to build on that for even greater success.

What was a significant risk you took this year, and how did it turn out?

This year, one of the significant risks we took was our substantial investment in advanced technology, specifically implementing a multi-billion-dollar SAP system. At first glance, it might seem like a high-risk move, especially given the scale and cost of such an investment. However, I prefer to view it as a major investment in our future rather than a risk.

Our decision to invest heavily in technology is grounded in our commitment to enhancing our operational efficiency and innovation. While the immediate benefits may not be clear, we see this as a strategic move to future-proof our organization and create long-term value.

The early signs are promising, and we’re starting to see the fruits of this investment. By aligning our processes with cutting-edge technology, we’re positioning ourselves to better meet our clients’ needs and drive growth. It aligns with our belief in the power of technology to transform and elevate our operations.

How has your company’s mission or purpose affected its overall success? Can you explain the methods or metrics you use to evaluate the impact of this purpose-driven strategy on your organization?

At TASC, we are driven by core values like integrity, respect, and innovation, which align closely with our purpose of creating meaningful opportunities and fostering growth.

To evaluate the impact of our purpose-driven strategy, we use a range of methods and metrics. First, we assess client satisfaction and feedback, ensuring that our values translate into tangible benefits for them. We also monitor key performance indicators related to innovation and operational efficiency, such as project turnaround times and technology adoption rates.

We also track our community impact by measuring contributions to local initiatives and our role in bringing positive change. This holistic approach helps us ensure that our mission is a driving force behind our day-to-day operations and long-term success. By regularly reviewing these metrics, we stay aligned with our purpose and continue to refine our strategies to meet our goals.

Have you ever faced a situation where your commitment to your purpose and creating a positive social impact clashed with the profitability in your business? Have you ever been challenged by anyone on your team or have to make a tough decision that had a significant impact on finances? If so, how did you address and reconcile this conflict?

Yes, there have been instances. One notable example was when we invested significantly in community initiatives and sustainability projects, which, at times, put pressure on our financial margins. Balancing our core values with the need for profitability can be challenging.

When faced with such conflicts, I prioritize staying true to our values. We believe in maintaining openness and transparency, so we address these challenges head-on with our team. We hold open discussions about the potential impact of our decisions on both our purpose and financial goals. By being transparent about the reasons behind our choices and exploring innovative solutions, we can often find a middle ground.

For instance, we’ve adjusted our approach to community projects to ensure they are both impactful and financially sustainable. This helps us uphold our values, while fostering a culture of trust and collaboration within the team. Ultimately, reconciling these conflicts involves a commitment to our mission while continuously finding ways to align it with our financial objectives.

Could you list the top five things you’ve learned in 2023, with specific examples of how these lessons impacted your decisions or strategies? If you can, please share a story or example for each.

I thrive on the idea that every day is a chance to learn something new. No matter how seasoned you are or how many books and podcasts you’ve absorbed, there’s always room for fresh insights. Mistakes are part of the journey — they help us adapt, evolve, and come back stronger. It’s important to embrace the process and keep growing! My top 5 key takeaways (although there are many), from 2023 include:

  • Boosting Team Motivation: We learned that personalized recognition is key to enhancing motivation. By tailoring praise and rewards to individual achievements, we saw a noticeable improvement in both engagement and productivity. For example, rewarding a team for their exceptional project effort with customized recognition led to a 20% boost in their output.
  • Inspiring Through Action: Leading by example proved essential for inspiring others. During a tough period, I joined our community service efforts alongside my team. This direct involvement helped rally the team, resulting in increased volunteer participation and enthusiasm.
  • Improving Customer Reach: We revamped our approach to customer outreach by using advanced analytics and individual communication. Tailoring our marketing based on data insights boosted our engagement rates, with targeted campaigns increasing response rates by 30%.
  • Investing in Skills and AI Training: We prioritized upskilling our team, especially in emerging technologies like AI. Through targeted training programs and hands-on workshops, we saw a 15% rise in operational efficiency from projects that utilized AI-driven solutions.
  • Balancing Company and Employee Needs: Finding the right balance between employee welfare and company priorities was crucial. During financial challenges, we made tough resource allocation decisions but kept communication open and involved the team in finding solutions. This transparent approach helped us manage the situation effectively and reinforced trust within the company.

Each of these lessons has shaped our approach and strategy, helping us grow and adapt in a dynamic business environment.

How have these top five lessons from 2023 changed your outlook or approach for 2024?

First, we’re focusing on employee recognition to boost motivation, ensuring our reward systems are more tailored and impactful. Inspiring our team will involve leading by example and actively participating in key projects to set a high standard. To enhance customer engagement, we’re integrating advanced AI analytics for more customized interactions. Training will be a priority as we equip our team with AI skills to leverage its benefits effectively. Finally, we’re committed to balancing company priorities with employee welfare by maintaining transparency and involving our team in key decisions. These changes are designed to position us for success and adaptability in the coming year.

In terms of innovation and adaptation, what’s one change you implemented in 2023 or plan to do in 2024 that you believe will be crucial for the future of your business?

One crucial change we implemented in 202 is our investment in advanced AI technology. This move is pivotal for our future as it streamlines operations, enhances productivity, and allows us to offer more tailored services to our clients. By adopting AI tools, we’ve accelerated processes that once took months into minutes, significantly increasing our efficiency. This innovation improves our internal workflows and positions us to better meet customer needs and stay ahead in a competitive market. Embracing AI is a strategic decision that we believe will drive our growth and adaptability in the years to come.

As a leader, how do you foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within your team or organization?

Fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement starts with hiring individuals who align with our core values, especially openness to learning. During interviews, I make it a point to gauge candidates’ willingness to embrace new knowledge and skills. Once on board, we support their growth through regular training and development opportunities. Encouraging curiosity, providing access to learning resources, and promoting knowledge sharing within the team are also key practices. By leading by example and celebrating learning milestones, we create an environment where continuous improvement is encouraged and ingrained in our organizational culture.

Looking at the broader industry landscape, what emerging trends do you think will be most influential in the coming year?

The rapid advancement of AI and data analytics will be crucial, as businesses increasingly rely on these technologies for decision-making and efficiency. Universities are already preparing students for roles that don’t yet exist, highlighting the need for a strong foundation in tech and data skills. Additionally, the vast amount of information available online will continue to evolve, making continuous learning and adaptability essential. As the pace of change accelerates, staying ahead will require constant exploration and a willingness to embrace new technologies and methodologies.

If you and I were having a conversation one year from now, and we were looking back at the past 12 months, what specifically has to happen for you to be happy with your progress?

That’s an interesting question! A year from now, I’d need to see that we’ve remained steadfast in our commitment to our values, integrating them into every decision we make. My core belief is that delivering true value to our clients is extremely important. By focusing on doing the right thing in the right way, we can trust that financial success will follow naturally. It’s about upholding our principles and ensuring that our approach has a meaningful impact. If we’ve managed to balance these priorities effectively, I’d consider that a significant achievement.

How can our readers further follow your work or your company online?

LinkedIn is the best place to connect with me:, or know more about our company through our website

This was great. Thanks for taking time for us to learn more about you and your business. We wish you continued success!

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience as the Founder and CEO of multiple companies. He launched Choice Recovery, Inc., a healthcare collection agency, while going to The Ohio State University, His team earned national recognition, twice being ranked as the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. In 2018, Chad launched [re]start, a career development platform connecting thousands of individuals in collections with meaningful employment opportunities, He sold Choice Recovery on his 25th anniversary and in 2023, sold the majority interest in [re]start so he can focus his transition to Built to Lead as an Executive Leadership Coach. Learn more at

Mahesh Shahdapuri Of TASC Outsourcing: Lessons I Learned from Last Year to Take Our Organization to… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.