Arturs Peha Of Skrivanek: Lessons I Learned From Last Year To Take Our Organization to the Next…

Arturs Peha Of Skrivanek: Lessons I Learned From Last Year To Take Our Organization to the Next Level in 2024

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Letting go to move forward: Sometimes, progress means letting go of certain things and people. Although it is tough, releasing what no longer serves you frees up emotional and mental space, allowing for new growth and opportunities.

This series aims to discuss the experiences and lessons learned by top executives over the past year, and how these insights are shaping the landscape for change and innovation in 2024. The past year has been a time of unprecedented challenges and opportunities, requiring adaptive leadership and innovative strategies. We believe that sharing these experiences can inspire and guide others in their endeavors to drive positive change in their organizations and industries. I had the pleasure of interviewing Arturs Peha.

With over 15 years of expertise in the Language Service Provider (LSP) industry, Arturs passionately transforms innovative ideas into tangible successes. His skill set is broad, focusing on process optimization, developing and executing cutting-edge digital marketing and sales strategies, and harnessing the power of AI, particularly in pioneering Generative AI applications with Large Language Models (LLMs). An early adopter of technology, Arturs is committed to lifelong learning and professional growth. His humility and approachability are coupled with a deep commitment to inspiring positive change in his network and the broader community.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you share a little about your background and what pivotal moments led you to your current position as an executive?

Absolutely! My journey at Skrivanek began 18 years ago as an intern, working on a translation project for an EU institution. Growing up in a small Latvian village called Lielvircava, where my mother single-handedly raised me and my seven siblings, I learned the values of hard work and resilience early on. While my academic focus was initially on STEM subjects, my interests diversified during secondary education, where I discovered a passion for physical activities and immersed myself in arts like theater and national folk dance.

These diverse experiences have been pivotal in shaping my personal journey. In my current role, I focus on optimizing company processes, developing innovative solutions, and implementing digital marketing and sales strategies. Recently, my work has been closely aligned with AI and Large Language Models, which are transformative in the translation industry. To complement my background, I am pursuing an Executive MBA at Warsaw University of Technology, aiming to integrate my extensive background with advanced business and management skills.

What were the early challenges you faced in your career, and how did they shape your approach to leadership?

At the start of my career, dealing with shyness and the low self-esteem that came from growing up in a challenging environment were significant hurdles. The encouragement from my colleagues, combined with my innate curiosity and willingness to ask questions and take initiative, were crucial to my development. These early experiences have shaped me into a leader who values open communication, fosters curiosity, encourages experimentation, and prioritizes creating a supportive environment for team growth.

We often learn the most from our mistakes. Can you share one that you made that turned out to be one of the most valuable lessons you’ve learned?

Definitely, mistakes are often our greatest teachers. One particularly impactful mistake I made was during an important presentation I was in charge of. Despite my preparations, it did not go well, and this experience underscored the importance of respecting my audience’s time and attention by being thoroughly prepared. It taught me that life is too short to waste and that learning from the experiences of others through books, conversations or podcasts can provide valuable insights. This approach helps us navigate our paths with greater knowledge and readiness.

As an executive, how do you define success, both personally and for your organization?

As an executive, I view success as a multi-faceted concept that affects both myself and our organization in numerous ways. For the company, success is not a one-size-fits-all metric — it varies significantly based on our industry and growth stage. We evaluate our progress through various indicators, such as overall business growth, industry benchmarks, and profitability. However, it is not all about the numbers; we place a high value on our team’s well-being, client satisfaction, and our ability to meet strategic goals. Innovation and the perception of our brand are equally crucial. Together, these elements offer a comprehensive view of our performance.

On a personal level, my approach to success is slightly different. I keep a yearly plan that extends beyond the next 12 months, which allows me continuous reflection and helps me maintain focus on a broader vision. As I achieve each milestone, I mark it off — not merely to track progress but to ensure alignment with my long-term goals. This plan acts more as a guiding framework than a set of strict objectives. Ultimately, what matters most to me is how I feel about these achievements. For me, true success means achieving my goals without compromising my well-being, my sanity, or the well-being of others. Can you truly call it a success if you possess all the money and power in the world, but are plagued by a troubled mind and sleepless nights?

Reflecting on 2023, what was the most unexpected challenge you faced, and how did you navigate it?

There are certain challenges that are never-ending, such as how to achieve all objectives with the limited resources available to us, particularly time constraints and funding. In our industry, unexpected challenges often include the need to translate a “zillion words” by yesterday, technical issues related to industry-specific projects in fields like IT, medical, or military, and the usual one — the human factor.

To handle these challenges, we focused on using our resources more effectively and making our workflows more efficient. We prioritized projects based on how urgent and complex they were and improved our technology. This helped us meet deadlines without lowering our standards. We also worked on making our team better at communicating and solving problems together, creating a supportive work environment. Regular training and feedback helped everyone feel capable and confident. These efforts not only solved our immediate problems, but also made our team stronger and more ready to face future challenges.

What was a significant risk you took this year, and how did it turn out?

In the language services industry I represent, AI both presents risks and opens up opportunities. By expanding our testing and adoption of new technologies, we were able to enhance our workflows and offer cutting-edge solutions to clients who value innovation. Clearly, this challenge is not unique to us but is a top concern across many industries and businesses.

How has your company’s mission or purpose affected its overall success? Can you explain the methods or metrics you use to evaluate the impact of this purpose-driven strategy on your organization?

At Skrivanek, our mission is to drive significant value to our clients and their business goals, while also creating an empowering environment for our team members to thrive and grow. This dual focus has been integral to our success, shaping both our client relationships and our internal culture. Our mission has directly influenced our strategic initiatives and operational decisions, leading to deepened client relationships and enhanced service offerings. By prioritizing client value, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner in the language services industry. Simultaneously, our commitment to empowering our staff has fostered a motivated and skilled workforce, which is essential in delivering the high-quality services that our clients expect. While we have seen considerable success, we continually strive to be bolder in our initiatives and improve cooperation among related companies in our holding. This approach will not only enhance our ability to deliver on our mission but also strengthen our overall market position.

Have you ever faced a situation where your commitment to your purpose and creating a positive social impact clashed with the profitability in your business? Have you ever been challenged by anyone on your team or have to make a tough decision that had a significant impact on finances? If so, how did you address and reconcile this conflict?

Yes, there have been situations where our commitment to our purpose and creating a positive social impact conflicted with potential profitability. On a few occasions, we chose not to pursue partnerships with businesses that acted against our company values, particularly those promoting aggressive and intolerant behaviors. We also avoid working with sanctioned businesses, as staying compliant with these regulations is crucial, even though it sometimes affects our financial performance.

Regarding tough decisions affecting finances, such situations are inevitable in business. Recently, we faced a significant financial challenge requiring a strategic approach. In this case, the first step was to gather the best rational arguments to support our stance and rally allies within the team who shared our perspectives. When rational arguments weren’t sufficient, I found it effective to add an emotional dimension to the discussion — highlighting the broader impact of the decision, such as effects on team morale or our company’s reputation, to underscore the importance of our choices beyond just the immediate financial implications.

Could you list the top five things you’ve learned in 2023, with specific examples of how these lessons impacted your decisions or strategies? If you can, please share a story or example for each.

In 2023, I learned several valuable lessons, each influencing my approach to both personal and professional challenges. These lessons are not groundbreaking revelations, but rather important reminders that have had a tangible impact on how I think and act. Here are my top five takeaways, along with stories that illustrate their significance:

  1. In business, paying attention to small details can reveal a lot. For example, during a large meeting, someone might verbally agree with a decision but seem hesitant. I have learned to follow up these moments with one-on-one conversations, giving individuals space to express their true thoughts. This approach helped resolve many underlying issues, simply by recognizing and addressing these small, yet telling, reactions.
  2. Last year, I participated in a challenging 136 KM walk from Kolka to Dubulti, which was supposed to take up to 55 hours; I completed it in 26, largely thanks to a fellow participant, I bonded with along the way. Our conversations helped us push through the night, and it was not until the last 15 km, when I was alone, that I truly appreciated the difference that supportive companionship makes. This experience underscored the importance of having great teammates, both in endurance events and in life.
  3. It is crucial to recharge. We all have different ways of refilling our energy — whether through solitude, adventure, or relaxation. Recognizing the signs of depletion is key, as is taking action to recharge. For instance, I have learned to handle triggering emails by taking a moment to calm down before responding. This practice ensures that I react thoughtfully and maintain my composure, essential for effective leadership.
  4. Letting go to move forward: Sometimes, progress means letting go of certain things and people. Although it is tough, releasing what no longer serves you frees up emotional and mental space, allowing for new growth and opportunities.
  5. I firmly believe in lifelong learning, a principle that led me to enroll in a two-year study program in 2023. The course has significantly improved my understanding of human behavior, improving my patience, empathy, and ability to read between the lines. Applying these lessons in real-time has already begun to yield positive results in my interactions and decision-making processes.

How have these top five lessons from 2023 changed your outlook or approach for 2024?

The lessons I learned in 2023 have definitely shaped my outlook and approach for the future. Inspired by “Slumdog Millionaire”, where past experiences unexpectedly prove beneficial, I have seen firsthand how these lessons can turn challenges into opportunities.

As time passes, it can be difficult to remember exactly how or where you acquired specific skills or knowledge. However, it is clear that the most impactful lessons stem from human experiences — deep conversations, compelling speeches, and innovative ideas that resonate with others. These experiences expand your comfort zone and renew your sense of confidence.

I encourage you to reflect on your own experiences from the past year. Consider those moments of growth and challenge, and think about how they can shape your actions in the coming year.

In terms of innovation and adaptation, what’s one change you implemented in 2023 or plan to do in 2024 that you believe will be crucial for the future of your business?

We are focused on making our teams even more agile, which is crucial for our business’s future. This shift is not just about speed — it is about enhancing our responsiveness to market changes and customer needs. Additionally, we are investing in tech solutions and services to support this transformation, ensuring that we stay competitive and adaptable in our industry.

As a leader, how do you foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within your team or organization?

At Skrivanek, we actively foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement in several key ways. First, we have established it as a company objective, that every team member undergoes formal training annually, provided by a third party. This ensures that everyone is exposed to fresh, external perspectives and new skills relevant to their roles.

Beyond these formal training sessions, we offer abundant internal learning opportunities. Our colleagues frequently share their specialized knowledge through various formats, helping to spread expertise within the team. We also integrate learning into our regular workflow with quarterly and monthly assignments that include specific learning tasks.

We actively encourage our team members to propose their own training ideas, especially if these are directly related to improving our business operations. This openness not only enhances our capabilities but also keeps our team engaged and motivated.

Given our focus on language services, we also provide opportunities for team members to study languages, enriching their professional skills and personal growth. This multifaceted approach ensures that continuous learning and improvement are embedded in the fabric of our organization.

Looking at the broader industry landscape, what emerging trends do you think will be most influential in the coming year?

In the language services industry, the most influential trends for the coming year will undoubtedly be advancements in AI, Large Language Models (LLMs), and Machine Learning (ML). These technologies are transforming how we handle language processing and translation by increasing speed and reducing costs, even as they shift client expectations toward accepting lower-quality outputs for some applications. This evolution poses both challenges and opportunities, urging us to continually adapt and innovate.

If you and I were having a conversation one year from now, and we were looking back at the past 12 months, what specifically has to happen for you to be happy with your progress?

If we were to reflect on the past year during a conversation one year from now, I would be happy with my progress if several key things happened. First, I would like to have achieved most of my yearly personal objectives and made significant strides on my long-term goals. Ensuring the health and well-being of my loved ones and myself is crucial, as it forms the foundation of my happiness. I also believe that happiness is a state of mind, best experienced during peak moments, and it’s important to remember that wealth alone does not guarantee it. In business, I would be satisfied if we realized many of our objectives and made substantial progress towards our broader strategic goals. This blend of personal fulfillment, good health, and professional success would make me truly happy with the past year’s progress.

How can our readers further follow your work or your company online?

You can follow and stay updated with our company’s latest developments by visiting Skrivanek’s website at Additionally, I welcome connections on LinkedIn, where I regularly share insights and updates. You can connect with me at LinkedIn: Arturs Peha. Thank you for taking the time to read.

This was great. Thanks for taking time for us to learn more about you and your business. We wish you continued success!

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience as the Founder and CEO of multiple companies. He launched Choice Recovery, Inc., a healthcare collection agency, while going to The Ohio State University, His team earned national recognition, twice being ranked as the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. In 2018, Chad launched [re]start, a career development platform connecting thousands of individuals in collections with meaningful employment opportunities, He sold Choice Recovery on his 25th anniversary and in 2023, sold the majority interest in [re]start so he can focus his transition to Built to Lead as an Executive Leadership Coach. Learn more at

Arturs Peha Of Skrivanek: Lessons I Learned From Last Year To Take Our Organization to the Next… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.