Investing In Your Employees: Mike Gray Of Rumble On The Benefits of Offering Continuous…

Investing In Your Employees: Mike Gray Of Rumble On The Benefits of Offering Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Initiatives For Employees

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Alignment and Unified Goals: Continuous professional development helps ensure all employees align with the company’s mission and values. At Rumble, we are in the process of defining our mission, statement, and ethos. Investing in CPD ensures everyone works towards the same goals, reducing inconsistencies and enhancing overall performance. This alignment is crucial for driving the company forward and achieving our objectives more effectively and allows employees not feel connected to the goals, be bought in on them, and their part in achieving them.

Investing in team development has become increasingly crucial for forward-thinking companies, who understand that their greatest assets are their people. From implementing innovative training programs and wellness initiatives to cultivating a supportive work environment, these strategic investments play a vital role in enhancing employee satisfaction and retention. As the business landscape evolves, mastering effective methods to support and retain employees is pivotal for achieving long-term success. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike Gray.

Mike Gray is the newly appointed President of Rumble, recognized for his transformative leadership and resilience. After overcoming a major health crisis in 2021 that left him in a coma for nearly eight months, Mike returned to lead Club Pilates, where he drove record-breaking growth. Now, with his proven track record, Mike is poised to lead Rumble into an exciting new era.

Thank you for joining us. To start, could you share a little about yourself, and how you got started?

My journey began 29 years ago when I was looking for a part-time job. I initially interviewed at a company but was turned away. However, I wasn’t ready to accept “no” as the final answer. I went back the next day, interviewed again, and this time, I got the job. From there, my career took off — I became the youngest manager and earned the Trainer of the Year title.

My 14-year tenure at Family Fitness, which later became 24 Hour Fitness, and my subsequent eight years at UFC Gym were shaped by my ‘no is not an answer’ mindset. This approach to challenges influenced my leadership style, as I always saw rejection as an opportunity to understand why and how I could turn that ‘no’ into a ‘yes ‘.

In 2021, I was promoted to President of Club Pilates, and by the end of that year, I had doubled the company’s Average Unit Volume (AUV). The growth continued in 2022, and 2023 became the best year in Club Pilates’s history, with record-breaking openings, sales, and revenue. By April 2024 as I was transitioning into Rumble, Club Pilates had expanded from 126 to 1,000 locations. This incredible journey at Club Pilates prepared me for my current role at Rumble, where I have hit the ground running to drive continued growth and success.

What was your biggest challenge in those early days?

In the early days of my career, my biggest challenge was understanding the path ahead. I was young, inexperienced, and unsure of the development process. To rise above these challenges, I had to push myself beyond my limits — whether that meant earning certifications, seeking guidance from top professionals, or being on a relentless mission to grow.

Another significant challenge was finding the right people to surround myself with. It’s essential to be with those who genuinely want the best for you, not just those who claim to. I learned the value of surrounding myself with people who genuinely shine through your successes, much like how Olympic coaches feel pride in their athletes’ accomplishments. This understanding became crucial in balancing confidence with the humility needed to be a leader who is driven and open to learning from others.

Was there anything specific that inspired you to prioritize CPD initiatives in your company?

In April 2021, I developed severe symptoms of COVID-19 and was put into a coma shortly after. It was a huge challenge dealing with the uncertainty and fear that came with my health crisis. Waking up in a hospital bed with no memory of how I got there was incredibly frightening. As President of Club Pilates, I was deeply concerned about my health, my employees’ well-being, and the state of the company. This experience profoundly impacted my leadership philosophy and style, which has been reflected in my approach as President of Rumble Boxing.

During my recovery, I participated in a course called ‘My Steady Mind’ that helped me physically and mentally process my experience. This significantly influenced me, inspiring me to prioritize personal and professional development initiatives within the company. I recognized that for my team to truly thrive, especially in challenging times, they needed to feel supported, capable, and valued. This led me to implement various opportunities for my executive team, such as teaching meditation and breathing techniques and creating a culture of support, growth, and trust.

Can you explain why this is important for the success of a business?

Staff development is crucial for the success of any business. It all starts with the staff — everyone needs to be working towards the same goal as a team. Right now, at Rumble, we’re in the process of defining our mission, statement, and ethos. When you ask different people, you might get different answers, highlighting the need for alignment. My goal is to develop the talent within our team. By investing in our staff and ensuring everyone is aligned with our mission, we can drive Rumble forward and achieve our objectives more effectively.

Can you please share with us, and briefly explain the first major initiative you started that directly benefited your employees?

The first major initiative I started that directly benefited my employees was scheduling regular one-on-one meetings with each team member. I believe that having a voice is critical to creating alignment within a team. These meetings provide a dedicated time for employees to share their thoughts, concerns, and personal and professional goals. If I don’t allow them to “empty their cup,” so to speak, it becomes impossible to pour new information in. This initiative helps align personal and professional goals while creating a culture of open communication and mutual understanding.

Do you have an example of a situation where you didn’t get the result you were looking for, and tell us what happened as a result?

When working with a team, it’s essential to understand that things may sometimes go differently than planned. An example was the launch of a new initiative led by a colleague, which didn’t unfold as I would have executed it. This experience underscored the vital role of trust in leadership. As a leader, I learned that trust is essential, and at times, it’s necessary to allow others to ‘fail forward.’ I’ve learned from my past mistake of not providing enough room for this.

It’s similar to teaching someone how to ride a bike, an analogy that a mentor taught me early on in my career — the most challenging part is knowing you must let go of the seat. They might fall, or they might ride and then fall. But how you pick them up after that fall dictates how they’ll move forward. By allowing people to fail fast and then supporting them through that failure, you help them grow and improve. This approach has been crucial in shaping my leadership, ensuring mistakes are seen as learning opportunities rather than setbacks.

What has been the most impactful CPD initiative you’ve seen other companies offer, and how did it inspire or influence your own approach?

The most impactful CPD (Continuous Professional Development) initiative I’ve seen from other companies is the “My Steady Mind” course previously mentioned. Another CEO recommended it from a major fitness company, who shared how it positively impacted their team’s performance and perspective. After taking this course myself and recognizing how much it helped me through my recovery, I adapted it into a series of learning modules for our executive team. I will soon be offering it to all employees. This initiative has profoundly influenced our approach to aligning personal growth with our company’s values and ultimately enhanced our organizational culture.

What challenges might companies face when implementing these initiatives, and how can they overcome them?

One challenge companies may face when implementing CPD initiatives is gaining employee buy-in. Some individuals may feel they don’t need additional training, while others may resist because they don’t understand the purpose or benefit. The key to overcoming this is how the initiative is launched and positioned. Instead of making participation mandatory without explanation, it’s important to communicate the “why” behind the initiative clearly. Allowing employees to explore and become intrigued on their own can lead to a more organic and enthusiastic adoption of the initiative, reducing resistance and encouraging a more engaged and receptive workforce.

Can you share a story of an employee who significantly benefited, and how it affected their performance or career trajectory?

Young professionals or even seasoned employees looking for growth, sometimes allow emotions to dictate their behavior. CPD initiatives that we’ve introduced, have allowed them to learn how to control their emotions and look at their career trajectory from a fact-based mindset.

For example, one of our young employees was eager to advance within the company but found themselves frustrated when a colleague received a promotion instead. Initially, they allowed their emotions to cloud their judgment, feeling that their hard work had gone unnoticed. Helping them understand both the controllable and uncontrollable factors that play into career growth guided them to understand tangible reasons why their colleague was promoted and what they needed to do to move forward.

Through this journey, the employee not only learned to manage their emotions better but also developed a strategic mindset. They began to approach their work with a broader perspective, considering not just their output but also how they could contribute to the company’s goals. As a result, their performance improved significantly, and this experience equipped them with invaluable skills for future growth, instilling a sense of hope and motivation.

Could you please list the “Top Five Benefits of Offering Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Initiatives for Employees”? Can you explain what you mean?

  1. Enhanced Skill Set and Knowledge: Offering CPD initiatives ensures that employees continuously improve their skills and knowledge. This makes them more proficient in their current roles and prepares them for future responsibilities. As a leader, I’ve implemented development opportunities that included meditation, breathing techniques, and fostering a supportive culture. These initiatives helped our team feel more capable and aligned with the company’s goals.
  2. Increased Employee Engagement and Retention: CPD initiatives demonstrate a company’s commitment to its employees’ growth and well-being, which significantly boosts morale and job satisfaction. More than that, they play a crucial role in creating a supportive culture. Employees who feel valued and supported are more likely to stay with the company. This was particularly important during my leadership at Club Pilates, where creating a safe and welcoming environment allowed the team to thrive, even in my absence.
  3. Alignment and Unified Goals: Continuous professional development helps ensure all employees align with the company’s mission and values. At Rumble, we are in the process of defining our mission, statement, and ethos. Investing in CPD ensures everyone works towards the same goals, reducing inconsistencies and enhancing overall performance. This alignment is crucial for driving the company forward and achieving our objectives more effectively and allows employees not feel connected to the goals, be bought in on them, and their part in achieving them.
  4. Improve Communication & Communication Styles: CPD initiatives often include training on effective communication techniques and styles. This is crucial because improved communication skills lead to better collaboration, fewer misunderstandings, and more cohesive teamwork. By reducing misunderstandings and improving teamwork, CPD initiatives contribute to a more efficient and harmonious work environment. Employees learn to articulate their ideas more clearly, listen actively, and adapt their communication styles to different audiences. This not only enhances internal interactions but also improves relationships with clients and stakeholders.
  5. Higher Probability of Accomplishing a Goal: Employees who participate in CPD initiatives are better equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to achieve their goals. Everyone works towards the same targets by aligning their development with the company’s objectives, creating a unified direction. This alignment helps streamline efforts and resources, reducing inconsistencies and increasing the likelihood of meeting or exceeding goals. When everyone moves in the same direction and clearly understands their roles, the probability of accomplishing collective goals significantly improves.

How do you measure the success and ROI of these CPD initiatives?

It’s vital to conduct a comprehensive assessment. This assessment should consider a range of factors, not just financial returns, but also the enhancement of employee engagement and well-being.

First, there must be an understanding of what both the organization and the employee aim to achieve through the CPD initiatives. For example, if an employee expressed a desire to improve their public speaking skills, the success of the CPD initiative would be measured by how much that employee improves in this area and whether they feel more confident in their role.

You must recognize the different facets that success and ROI from CPD initiatives can come through, including increased engagement, emotional stability, higher commitment versus mere compliance, and better work-life balance.

Looking forward, how do you see the role of CPD evolving in the next 5–10 years?

Looking ahead, while the fundamental principles of continuous professional development (CPD) may remain consistent, the methods by which individuals engage with CPD will evolve significantly and my hope is more companies prioritize implementing them. This evolution will be driven by changing needs and preferences, particularly as new generations enter the workforce. We can expect to see a shift in how CPD is delivered, emphasizing leveraging technology and embracing diverse learning methods. As these new tools and approaches emerge, CPD will adapt to meet future professionals’ evolving expectations and learning styles.

What advice would you give to business leaders who are hesitating to make these changes?

To business leaders who are hesitant to make changes, I advise prioritizing your team. The most successful businesses focus on putting their teams first. When you invest time and energy into aligning and developing your people, they become more invested in the product and outcomes. This commitment will drive more significant results and overall success for your business.

Can you share any upcoming initiatives or plans you have for further investing in your employees?

We’re committed to investing in our employees and ensuring their growth aligns with our strategic goals. Before diving into new initiatives, we’re taking a close look at our existing programs to understand their impact and effectiveness. This allows us to build on our successes and address any gaps.

As we bring on new employees, especially from younger generations, we see exciting opportunities to evolve and innovate through their fresh perspectives and ideas.

Going forward, we’re focused on developing our initiatives at a pace that matches our intentions. It’s important to us that any new programs or investments are thoughtfully planned and executed, rather than being launched without a clear purpose.

How can our readers follow your work?



This was great. Thank you so much for the time you spent sharing with us.

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience as the Founder and CEO of multiple companies. He launched Choice Recovery, Inc., a healthcare collection agency, while going to The Ohio State University, His team earned national recognition, twice being ranked as the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. In 2018, Chad launched [re]start, a career development platform connecting thousands of individuals in collections with meaningful employment opportunities, He sold Choice Recovery on his 25th anniversary and in 2023, sold the majority interest in [re]start so he can focus his transition to Built to Lead as an Executive Leadership Coach. Learn more at

Investing In Your Employees: Mike Gray Of Rumble On The Benefits of Offering Continuous… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.