Laine Lawson Craft: Top 5 Strategies for Growing Your Podcast Audience

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Focus on Quality Content: Make sure your episodes are engaging and valuable to your target audience by telling compelling stories and presenting information in an interesting way. In ‘Livin’ Lively with Laine,’ I shared personal stories, and my guests shared their stories about overcoming major life challenges.

In an era where the podcasting landscape is more crowded than ever, growing an audience requires not just consistency and quality content but also smart, strategic planning. Today, we’re diving deep into the growth strategies of a podcaster who has successfully expanded their reach in this competitive space. With a background that blends unique storytelling with savvy marketing techniques, our guest has mastered the art of audience growth. They’re here to share the top five strategies that podcasters can use in 2024 to increase their listener base, focusing on leveraging social media, optimizing for SEO, making the most of guest appearances, and more. I had the pleasure of interviewing Laine Lawson Craft.

Laine Lawson Craft is an award-winning podcast host known for her thought-provoking shows, attracting a worldwide following. Her dynamic podcast, Livin’ Lively with Laine, consistently ranks among the top 5% globally, providing listeners with a blend of inspiring narratives and helpful guidance. Her unique storytelling style, which blends personal experiences with universal themes, has captivated audiences worldwide. Additionally, her innovative Warfare Parenting Podcast has rapidly risen to 10%, serving as a tool for parents navigating the challenges of raising rebellious children. She is a bestselling and award-winning author and speaker who lives in Florida.

Thank you for joining us. To start, could you share your “origin story” with our readers? How did you begin your podcasting journey, and what challenges did you face in the early days regarding audience growth?

I started my journey in podcasting with a strong passion for helping struggling women find healing through inspiring stories of resilience. Initially, the podcast was intended as a promotional tool to reach more readers for my bestselling book, “Enjoy Today Own Tomorrow; Discover the Power to Live the Life You Love.” Through ‘Livin’ Lively with Laine,’ I aimed to establish a vibrant community for women looking to move beyond their past struggles and embrace a life of healing and freedom. On the other hand, ‘Warfare Parenting’ was inspired by my own life experiences shared in my 2023 Nonfiction Book of the Year award-winning book, “The Parent’s Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal,” and a desire to assist parents facing the unique challenges of raising wayward children.

In the early stages, growing my audience posed a significant challenge. I soon realized that more than producing excellent content alone would be necessary. It required consistent dedication, strategic promotion efforts, and a readiness to explore different strategies to attract more listeners.

Social media is a powerful tool for podcast promotion. Can you share your most effective strategy for leveraging platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook to boost your podcast’s visibility?

Social media has played a crucial role in the expansion of my podcast. My key approach involves producing captivating content that extends beyond mere episode promotion. Over on Instagram, I showcase sneak peeks behind the scenes using video snippets derived from podcast recordings and engage in partnerships with fellow creators. When it comes to immediate interactions and sharing enlightening excerpts from episodes, Twitter is my preferred platform. Utilizing Facebook has been essential in fostering relationships with individuals and converting them into dedicated listeners.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can be a game-changer for podcasts, especially when it comes to discoverability. What SEO tactics have you found most beneficial for attracting new listeners through search engines?

Using SEO has made a difference in getting my content discovered. I’ve been putting a lot of effort into making sure the titles, descriptions, and notes for my podcast are optimized with the right keywords. On top of that, sharing my podcasts on different platforms and including episodes on my website has definitely boosted their visibility in search results. And let’s not forget how transcribing episodes has made them easier for search engines to find and index.

Guest appearances, both on your podcast and on others, can significantly expand your reach. Can you discuss how you’ve approached guest appearances to grow your audience? What’s your strategy for selecting guests or shows to collaborate with?

Having guests on my podcasts has been crucial for my growth strategy. I make sure to choose guests who connect well with my target audience and offer fresh viewpoints. I strongly believe that all my guests should have hands-on experience or deep expertise in the topics we cover. Additionally, I seek out chances to be featured on podcasts that share a similar audience with mine. This collaboration introduces my content to new listeners and helps me build meaningful relationships in the podcasting community.

Networking within the podcasting community can open up opportunities for cross-promotion and shared growth. How have you engaged with other podcasters to support each other’s audience growth?

Connecting with others is crucial. I engage in various online forums and communities focused on podcasting, assisting, and sharing my expertise. Additionally, I team up with fellow podcasters for projects like hosting episodes together or appearing on each other’s podcasts. These collaborations foster a sense of belonging and help us reach more people with our content.

Beyond these methods, is there one more strategy you’ve employed that’s been particularly effective in growing your podcast audience in 2024?

In 2024, a successful approach has been to utilize the impact of videos. I’ve begun transforming my podcast episodes into brief video segments tailored to YouTube and social media platforms. These compact content snippets are simple to share and appeal to a fresh audience that might not have come across my podcast otherwise.

The middle of any growth journey is often where the most learning and adaptation occurs. Reflecting on your experience, what’s one major lesson you’ve learned about audience growth that you wish you knew when you started?

The most valuable thing I’ve discovered is how crucial patience and perseverance are. Cultivating a dedicated following requires dedication and a steady commitment over time. If only I had realized this earlier, it could have spared me some stress and allowed me to concentrate on sustainable progress.

Looking forward, what emerging trends or platforms do you see as having the potential to impact podcast audience growth in the next year?

Interactive podcasting is set to become a significant trend in 2025. This might include real-time Q&A sessions, polls for listeners, or episodes where you can choose your path. Moreover, I think there’s promise in using AI-driven tools to create content and engage with the audience.

For podcasters who are just starting out or struggling to grow their audience, what advice would you give to help them stay motivated and focused on their growth strategies?

I recommend concentrating on producing top-notch content that really connects with your intended audience. Don’t let slow progress at the beginning demotivate you. It’s important to stay consistent. Try out various promotional tactics, collaborate with other podcasters, and, above all, savor the journey.

Could you list and briefly explain “5 Key Strategies for Growing Your Podcast Audience” based on your experiences and insights? If you can, please share a story or example for each.

1. Focus on Quality Content: Make sure your episodes are engaging and valuable to your target audience by telling compelling stories and presenting information in an interesting way. In ‘Livin’ Lively with Laine,’ I shared personal stories, and my guests shared their stories about overcoming major life challenges. This resonated deeply with listeners and led to a surge in downloads and social media engagement. With Warfare Parenting, I have content that is very specific and helpful for struggling parents.

2. Use Social Media Wisely: Increase your podcast’s visibility by sharing highlights from episodes on social media and interacting with followers in real-time. For ‘Warfare Parenting,’ I launched a Facebook Ad for struggling parents with warfare prayers and introduced them to the podcast so that we could connect, share experiences, and access exclusive content related to the podcast. This fostered a strong sense of community and drove significant audience growth.

3. Improve Search Engine Visibility: Boost the chances of people finding your podcast online by optimizing titles, descriptions, and episode details with relevant keywords. By conducting keyword research and optimizing my podcast listings, I noticed a significant increase in organic traffic to my website and podcast platforms.

4. Engage with Your Community: Build a sense of belonging among your listeners by creating opportunities for them to connect, share experiences, and access exclusive content related to the podcast. Sending out inspirational emails weekly based on podcast recordings has enabled me to engage directly with my audience, address their inquiries, and create deeper connections with them.

5. Guest Collaboration: Leverage the power of guest appearances. Invite guests who resonate with your target audience and bring unique perspectives. Appear as a guest on other podcasts to cross-promote your show. I had the opportunity to collaborate with a well-known parenting expert on an episode about ‘Warfare Parenting,’ which attracted a considerable number of listeners and boosted the visibility of my podcast. We also explored the idea of featuring guests who connect with our audience and offer fresh insights, as well as participating in guest appearances on other podcasts to promote our show.

The journey of growing a podcast audience is filled with both challenges and milestones. Can you share a particularly rewarding moment or achievement in your audience growth journey that stands out to you?

One of the most gratifying experiences was receiving an email from a listener who shared how Warfare Parenting assisted them in navigating a challenging situation with their rebellious child. This ultimately led to their child returning home and their family finding healing and harmony. Knowing that my podcast was positively impacting people’s lives brought immense satisfaction.

As we wrap up, how can our readers follow your work and stay updated on your strategies and insights for podcast growth?

You can stay updated on my latest content and podcast episodes and find many FREE Resources on my website: and follow me on social media:

Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:

Your journey and the strategies you’ve shared today provide a roadmap for podcasters looking to expand their audience in 2024. Thank you for offering such valuable insights into the art and science of podcast growth. We look forward to seeing how your podcast continues to reach new heights, and we wish you continued success in connecting with listeners around the world.

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience as the Founder and CEO of multiple companies. He launched Choice Recovery, Inc., a healthcare collection agency, while going to The Ohio State University, His team earned national recognition, twice being ranked as the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. In 2018, Chad launched [re]start, a career development platform connecting thousands of individuals in collections with meaningful employment opportunities, He sold Choice Recovery on his 25th anniversary and in 2023, sold the majority interest in [re]start so he can focus his transition to Built to Lead as an Executive Leadership Coach. Learn more at

Laine Lawson Craft: Top 5 Strategies for Growing Your Podcast Audience was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.