The Power of Personal Branding: Hanna Olivas Of She Rises Studios On How Publicists Shape…

The Power of Personal Branding: Hanna Olivas Of She Rises Studios On How Publicists Shape Influential Leaders

An Interview With Chad Silverstein

Engage with Your Audience: Building a personal brand is not just about broadcasting your message but also about engaging with your audience through meaningful interactions. One of my clients, a public speaker, made it a point to engage with her audience through Q&A sessions after her talks and active social media engagement. This approach not only built a loyal following but also provided valuable insights into her audience’s needs and interests.

In today’s digital-first world, personal branding has emerged as a cornerstone of professional success and influence. Behind many of the most recognized leaders and personalities stands a strategic partnership with skilled publicists who craft and convey their stories, values, and visions to the world. I had the pleasure of interviewing Hanna Olivas.

Hanna, an author, speaker, and co-founder of She Rises Studios, was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. She is also the founder of the Brave & Beautiful Blood Cancer Foundation. Hanna’s journey began in 2017 when she was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an incurable blood cancer. Her experience has fueled her passion for empowering women to become leaders, driven by the belief that the future is female.

Thank you for joining us. To start, could you share your “origin story” with our readers? How did you begin your journey, and what challenges did you face in the early days?

My journey began in 2017 when I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an incurable blood cancer. This life-altering experience led me to co-found She Rises Studios and establish the Brave & Beautiful Blood Cancer Foundation. One of the major challenges I faced in the early days was balancing the demands of a growing business with my health issues. From frequent doctor’s appointments to days when I simply did not feel well, maintaining the momentum of my business while managing my health was a significant obstacle. However, these challenges have only strengthened my resolve to empower other women to become leaders, as I firmly believe that the future is female.

Can you share a transformative moment or campaign in your career where you significantly altered the personal brand of a leader, and what was the impact of that change?

A transformative moment in my career occurred when I worked with a female leader struggling to find her voice and establish her presence in her industry. Through She Rises Studios, we launched a campaign focused on personal storytelling and authentic leadership. We helped her craft her narrative, emphasizing her unique experiences and perspectives. This campaign included a series of speaking engagements, social media initiatives, and a feature in a well-known women’s leadership publication. The impact was profound: not only did her confidence soar, but she also gained a substantial following and was invited to participate in high-profile industry panels. This transformation not only elevated her personal brand but also inspired many women in her field to step up and embrace leadership roles. The success of this campaign reinforced my belief in the power of authenticity and storytelling in building a strong personal brand.

How do you navigate the balance between a leader’s authentic self and the public persona you craft for them in their branding strategy?

It begins with gaining a deep understanding of the leader’s core values, passions, strengths, and personal stories through in-depth conversations and assessments. Authenticity serves as the foundation for any successful personal brand, ensuring that the leader’s true self remains at the heart of their public persona. This authenticity builds trust and credibility with their audience. From there, I tailor the messaging to resonate with the target audience while staying true to the leader’s essence. This involves highlighting aspects of their personality and experiences that align with their audience’s values and interests. Additionally, I incorporate consistent storytelling that showcases their journey and vision, reinforcing their brand in a genuine and relatable way. By carefully blending authenticity with strategic messaging, I help leaders create a powerful and authentic public persona that effectively engages and inspires their audience.

What are the most common misconceptions leaders have about personal branding, and how do you address these in your work?

As the CEO of She Rises Studios and through my personal branding work outside of it, I address common misconceptions about personal branding by emphasizing authenticity, ongoing development, and the integration of both online and offline presence. Many leaders mistakenly believe that personal branding is merely about self-promotion and projecting a polished image. I counter this by guiding them to uncover and highlight their genuine values, passions, and unique experiences, demonstrating that authenticity is what truly resonates with their audience.

Another common misconception is viewing personal branding as a one-time effort rather than a continuous journey. I help leaders understand that maintaining an impactful personal brand requires regular updates, consistent engagement with their audience, and adaptation to personal and market changes. Through She Rises Studios, we provide ongoing support and strategies to ensure their personal brand evolves and remains relevant.

In a crisis situation, what steps do you take to protect or rehabilitate the personal brand of a leader?

In a crisis situation, protecting or rehabilitating the personal brand of a leader involves a strategic and compassionate approach. The first step is to acknowledge the crisis promptly and assess its scope, stakeholders involved, and potential impact. Transparency is crucial, so I ensure the leader is prepared to communicate honestly about the issue. If necessary, I help the leader craft a sincere apology or statement that reflects accountability, empathy, and a commitment to resolving the issue. This message must be clear, concise, and heartfelt to rebuild trust with their audience.

Could you list and briefly explain “5 Things You Need to Know to Shape a Personal Brand” based on your experiences and insights? If you can, please share a story or example for each.

1 . Authenticity is Key: Authenticity is the foundation of a strong personal brand. Being genuine and true to yourself helps build trust and credibility with your audience. One leader I worked with was initially hesitant to share her personal struggles with balancing work and family life. Once she opened up about her experiences, her audience connected with her on a deeper level, and her authenticity became a powerful aspect of her brand.

2 . Consistency Across All Platforms: Maintaining a consistent message and image across all platforms — online and offline — is essential for brand recognition and trust. A CEO I advised had an impressive LinkedIn presence but a neglected instagram account. By aligning her messaging and maintaining an active presence on both platforms, we created a cohesive brand that was easily recognizable and trusted by her audience.

. Clear Value Proposition: Clearly articulating what you stand for and what unique value you offer helps differentiate your brand from others. At She Rises Studios, we helped a client define her value proposition as a leader who empowers women in tech. By focusing on this niche, she was able to attract a specific audience and establish herself as a thought leader in her field.

. Engage with Your Audience: Building a personal brand is not just about broadcasting your message but also about engaging with your audience through meaningful interactions. One of my clients, a public speaker, made it a point to engage with her audience through Q&A sessions after her talks and active social media engagement. This approach not only built a loyal following but also provided valuable insights into her audience’s needs and interests.

5 . Evolve and Adapt: A personal brand should evolve over time to reflect personal growth, changes in the industry, and shifts in audience expectations. When I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, I had to pivot my brand to include my journey with the disease. This evolution not only added a new layer of depth to my brand but also resonated with a broader audience, showing that personal brands can grow and adapt in response to life’s changes.

Looking forward, how do you see the role of technology and social media evolving in the way publicists shape and manage the personal brands of leaders?

Technology and social media have become indispensable tools in the arsenal of publicists shaping and managing the personal brands of leaders. These platforms offer unprecedented reach and engagement opportunities, enabling leaders to connect directly with their audience on a global scale. Publicists leverage technology to amplify their clients’ messages, share insights, and interact in real-time, fostering deeper connections and building a loyal following. Advanced analytics and data tools provide valuable insights into audience behaviors and sentiment, guiding publicists in refining personal branding strategies for maximum impact. Moreover, technology facilitates efficient content creation and distribution across multiple channels, allowing leaders to showcase their expertise and values effectively. In times of crisis, social media serves as vital communication channels for rapid response and reputation management, enabling publicists to address issues promptly and maintain brand integrity. Ultimately, technology and social media continue to evolve, offering new avenues for leaders to enhance their personal brands and engage meaningfully with their audiences worldwide.

How can our readers follow your work?

By following us on social media @sherisesstudios for Facebook, LinkedIn, X (Twitter), and @sherisesstudios_llc for Instagram. They can also visit to learn more and get in contact with us.

Thank you for offering such valuable insights into the power of personal branding. We wish you continued success in all of your work.

About the Interviewer: Chad Silverstein, a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience as the Founder and CEO of multiple companies. He launched Choice Recovery, Inc., a healthcare collection agency, while going to The Ohio State University, His team earned national recognition, twice being ranked as the #1 business to work for in Central Ohio. In 2018, Chad launched [re]start, a career development platform connecting thousands of individuals in collections with meaningful employment opportunities, He sold Choice Recovery on his 25th anniversary and in 2023, sold the majority interest in [re]start so he can focus his transition to Built to Lead as an Executive Leadership Coach. Learn more at

The Power of Personal Branding: Hanna Olivas Of She Rises Studios On How Publicists Shape… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.